July 2, 2020
COVID-19 Response Update


appreciate your electronics donations and are accepting them by appointment only.
Please call us at 614-338-8733 to schedule an appointment.

May 6, 2020
COVID-19 Response Update

MCS-T.O.U.C.H. has
resumed in-office post-release programming on a limited basis by appointment
. We all must continue to protect one another as best we can, and we
have implemented strict safety and precaution procedures. We at MCS-T.O.U.C.H.
appreciate your patience as we all navigate this challenging time together. We
remain committed to serving our participants and meeting their needs

Staff is available
by phone at our office number of 614-338-8733 during regular office hours:


Friday 9am-3pm


Useful information
can be found at the Ohio Department of Health: https://coronavirus.ohio.gov


MCS-T.O.U.C.H. Update on Response to COVID-19:

In balancing agency services with public safety, MCS-T.O.U.C.H. is making adjustments to programming and office operations. We continue to support participants and stay connected with the community to the full extent possible. This adjustment in MCS-T.O.U.C.H. programming and operations will be re-evaluated weekly as the situation around COVID-19 progresses.

Beginning Wednesday, March 18th, MCS-T.O.U.C.H. is temporarily suspending in-office post-release programming until further notice. While all in-person services are temporarily suspended and the physical office is closed to the public (open as-needed only), our office remains open and operations are functional virtually. We remain committed to serving our participants and meeting their needs as possible.

Staff is available by phone at our office number of 614-338-8733 during the following times:

Monday-Thursday: 9am-7:30pm

Friday: 9am-3pm

Saturday 10:30am-3:30pm

Unfortunately, we are in a time of uncertainty and we all have a responsibility to do what we must to protect one another as best we can. We at MCS-T.O.U.C.H. appreciate your patience as we all navigate this challenging time together. We look forward to re-opening our physical office as soon as it is safe to do so.

Lena Sloutsky, Director of Strategic Initiatives

Electronics donations are still being accepted with an appointment. Please contact Casiera Rotunna at 614-338-8733 for more information.

If you have a general inquiry, please continue to use the contact form on this website or call us at 614-338-8733.

If you have questions about available resources in the community, please contact our staff.

Useful information can be found at the Ohio Department of Health: https://coronavirus.ohio.gov